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Slow Motion
Shot in S-Log3/ S-Gamut 3 Cine Lc709 LUT baked in, Premiere Pro auto contrast Shots in S&Q 60 fps consolidated to 25fps
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Cross Media Zen: From Cross to Crossmedia
Funny Cats and Dogs Videos Compilation
DNA Strand Rotate Loop with Alpha Matte
Try Not To Laugh
Intel+Toshiba Commercial: The Beauty Inside
Baby Husky Howls
Leica Video: Alma
GPI Commercial: Mr. Rex
Coolest Vehicle On The Road
A Sweet Treat
Google Video: Project Loon
Funny Mini Piggy Tales 1
Hornbach Video: Made From Real Armour Steel
Cute Mini Piggy
Sony Video: Sony 4K Ultra
Citroën Commercial: Dog Stretching
Maytag Commercial: Washing Machine
Jungle Video: Fetch