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Ellie House of Fashion

33,000 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek

Potwierdź, że jesteś człowiekiem

Dziękujemy, Twój głos został zapisany i niebawem będzie widoczny.
Szczegóły gry

Ellie, the great fashionista has decided to open her own fashion house. She is a talented fashion adviser and a designer as well. She needs to prepare her fashion lines and select four outfits which will represent each line. Ellie's collection includes retro, grunge, edgy, elegant and other kind of styles. Play this game now to explore the most beautiful clothing creations and help Ellie create the four outfits. Try out beautiful dresses, skirts, shirts and jackets, then complete the created outfits with stylish and chic accessories. Have fun!

Kategoria: Gry dla Dziewczyn
Dodane dnia: 29 May 2019