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Plus One

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Szczegóły gry

Plus One is a puzzle game. In Plus One you need to use the magical and mysterious power of math in order to combine adjacent tiles of the same value in groups of three or more to make them disappear. This is a game that requires basic math but the ability to think and act fast. In this game it isn't as simple as spotting patterns, instead, you'll be tasked with spotting near patters. For example instead of a group of squares labeled "3" you'll be on the lookout for a group of two tiles labeled "3" with an adjacent neighbor that is 2. Once you click that 2 and turn it into a 3 it becomes a match and all of the tiles disappear and you score. Yay! It sounds easy, but it's not. This is a challenging game of math, connections, addition, and pattern recognition. Most games feature only one of those aspects as their core mechanical principle but in Plus one it is an unholy alliance of many different mechanisms. This game will offer you challenges untold and satisfaction unbound when you finally overcome them.

Kategoria: Gry zręcznościowe
Dodane dnia: 29 Jan 2021