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Popular 80's Fashion Trends

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Szczegóły gry

Get the girls to look straight up from the '80s! There are four girls in this game, each with different hair color, and it is them you will help adopt the style of fashion from 1980, but for a start you will do their makeup, applying lipstick, blush, and eye-shadow in the desired colors, after which you can also pick the color of their eyes. Pick the retro outfit you like most, choose a hairstyle for the girls, and accessorize their look with earrings, necklaces, glasses, and purses, and we're sure that they will look fantastic from top to bottom! Enjoy playing this girl game here at!

Kategoria: Gry dla Dziewczyn
Twórca: Fabbox Studios
Dodane dnia: 12 May 2023