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Skibidi Wood Cutter

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Szczegóły gry

Get ready to channel your inner lumberjack in "Skibidi Wood Cutter"! Take on the role of Skibidi as you embark on an endless tree-cutting adventure. Your mission is simple: chop down the towering tree as it descends, but watch out for those pesky branches! With lightning-fast reflexes, you must dodge left and right to avoid getting hit and keep the game going. But be warned: as time ticks away, the branches come faster and fiercer. How long can you last in this thrilling test of skill and agility? Lace up your boots, grab your axe, and get ready to chop, dodge, and conquer in "Skibidi Wood Cutter"!

Kategoria: Gry zręcznościowe
Twórca: Mapi Games
Dodane dnia: 08 Jun 2024