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Colored Downhill

5,480 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek

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Dziękujemy, Twój głos został zapisany i niebawem będzie widoczny.
Szczegóły gry

Colored Downhill is a free avoider game. Hop on your skis and hit the slopes in this rainbow-colored slide to the end of the world. You're going to be testing your reflexes as you swish and speed down the hill at breakneck speed. This is not a game for the faint of heart. Those trees are solid and will stop your speed real fast. All you need to worry about is making it to the bottom of the hill and in order to do that, you're going to have to survive. The mountain is not going to be kind to you, my friend. It is nature and nature is a cruel and unforgiving force of the universe that acts upon, around, and within you at all times.

Dodane dnia: 30 Dec 2020